Board Meeting Minutes: 2023 Q3

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Thursday, November 9, 2023

Call to order

Board President Justina Cerra Lucas called the quarterly board meeting of The Rising Tide Society to order at 8:05 am PST/11:05 am EST on Thursday, November 9, 2023, in Los Angeles, California [board members participating via Zoom].


Secretary conducted roll call.

The following persons were present:

  • Justina Cerra Lucas – President
  • Brittany Taylor – President-Elect
  • Elizabeth Coopersmith – Secretary
  • Rhiannon Leila – International Representative Board Member
  • Christoper Stiles – Board Member/Chapter Liason
  • Marvin Flavien – Board Member
  • Erin Perkins – Board Member
  • Emilia Farrace – Board Member
  • Wendy Zook – Ex Officio Executive Director

The following persons were absent:

  • Natalie Franke – Past President
  • Braden Drake – Ex Officio Board Member

A Board quorum was reached.

Approval of minutes

Secretary Coopersmith motioned to approve the 8/10 Quarterly Board Minutes, seconded by President Cerra Lucas. Minutes unanimously approved at 8:11 am PST/11:11 am EST.

Publicly Posted Minutes for 8/10 Quarterly Board

Board Reports

Secretary’s Report

  • After Autumn Tall’s resignation as Board Treasurer, Secretary Coopersmith collaborated with the Board President to reconcile the budget this week. President Cerra Lucas will provide more details in the President’s report.
  • The scouting trip to Wedding MBA was a success – Rising Tide Society members are already very present, and there are great opportunities to increase awareness and community there. Next year’s Wedding MBA conference is November 12-14, 2024.

President’s Report – Justina Cerra Lucas

  • Welcome & overview of the last quarter.
  • Focusing on 2024 being the year of building trust, concentrating on the membership experience
  • The virtual board retreat is tentatively planned for Thursday, December 14, at 7:00 am PST/10:00 am EST, for approximately 3 hours. This will be confirmed in Slack.
  • Confidentiality agreements will be distributed after this meeting and requested to be signed and returned by Monday, November 13th.
  • Technology agreements regarding two-factor authentication for users and standard operating procedures for online accounts will also be created.
  • Rising Tide in Person at upcoming events
    • Member outreach will be reflected in the budget for RTS’s presence in conferences and summits next year, starting with the Lens and Light Summit in Mystic, CT, 2/26-2/29, organized by Board member Christopher Stiles. Stiles has donated a booth to the Rising Tide Society. Executive Director Wendy Zook and Vice President Brittany Taylor will represent Rising Tide; Natalie Franke will also speak at the conference.
    • Rising Tide will be represented at Wedding MBA. Serra Lucas requested that the board continue submitting additional potential events, including ones outside the wedding industry.
  • Natalie Franke’s Past President role transition – She has requested a transition to an Ex Officio Honorary role with no requirement to attend meetings.
    • President Cerra Lucas motioned to transition Natalie Franke to an Honorary Past President role, an ex-officio position on the Board of Directors. Board member Rhiannon Leila seconded, and the motion passed at 8:30 am PST/11:30 am EST.
  • Treasurer application – Jamie Thompson
    • After a preliminary discussion of Thompson’s application, An interview with Jamie Thompson will be scheduled for next week.

Treasurer’s Report – President Cerra Lucas

  • 2023 Budget through the end of Calendar Year
    • The fundraising goal for the rest of 2023 is $6000 in individual donations plus two $500 Friends of Rising Tide sponsorships.
  • 2024 Budget Review
    • The income goal for 2024 is 152,332., driven by sponsorships and individual donations,
    • 2024 Expenses estimated at 138,446.41
    • Cerra Lucas motioned for the Board to discuss whether board members’ business affiliate links can be promoted and used to support the Rising Tide Society. The Secretary seconded the motion, which was passed at 9:34 am PST/12:34 pm EST.
    • After discussion, Cerra Lucas motioned to approve the Board members’ business affiliate links as a means of financial support for the Rising Tide Society. The vote was tied with four approvals and four abstentions at 10:05 am. Cerra Lucas will consult Robert’s Rules for the correct outcome for an approval – abstentions tie vote. A second vote will be taken at the next quorum meeting if necessary.

President-Elect’s Report – Brittany Taylor

  • Branding – there were bids from two companies that long-time Rising Tide members own. Lawson House won the bid on their offer to trade sponsorship in lieu of payment. They are aware of our January deadline.
  • Draft Presentation of proposed RTS Sponsorships and Partnership levels

Committee Reports

  • In the interest of time, The Board President moved to table the remaining agenda – Committee reports, Director of Community updates, Approval of the 2024 budget, and unfinished business. An additional Board quorum meeting will be scheduled for the rest to cover the rest of the Board’s agenda. The motion was seconded by Board member Stiles and approved at 10:22 am PST/12:22 pm EST.
  • President Cerra Lucas motioned to end today’s meeting with a Board meeting extension to be scheduled later. The motion was seconded by Board Member Erin Perkins and approved. The meeting ended at 10:24 am.

Quarterly Board Meeting Meeting- Extension

Monday, November 20, 2023

Call to order

Board President Justina Cerra Lucas called The Rising Tide Society’s Quarterly Board Meeting (Extension) to order at 7:30 am PST/10:30 AM EST on Monday, November 20th, in Los Angeles, California [board members participating via Zoom].


Secretary conducted roll call.

The following persons were present:

  • Justina Cerra Lucas – President
  • Brittany Taylor – President-Elect
  • Elizabeth Coopersmith – Secretary
  • Rhiannon Leila – International Representative Board Member
  • Christoper Stiles – Board Member/Chapter Liason
  • Marvin Flavien – Board Member
  • Erin Perkins – Board Member
  • Emilia Farrace – Board Member
  • Wendy Zook – Ex Officio Executive Director
  • Christi Johnson – Rising Tide Volunteer Project Manager

The following persons were absent:

  • Natalie Franke – Past President
  • Braden Drake – Ex Officio Board Member

A Board quorum was reached.

Committee Reports

Moderation Committee (Marvin Flavien & Wendy Zook)
  • Public statements by RTS surrounding world events have been updated and published across social media platforms
Membership & Leadership Committee (Emilia Farrace/Chris Stiles)
  • Update from Board Member Farrace on the new direction of the committee – the membership and leadership committee has been disbanded, broken into Zook and Stiles’s smaller leadership-focused committee and another sub-committee searching for a new membership platform for membership.
  • The Future of a Membership Platform – Farrace is working with volunteer Jasmine Newton to soft-launch a move from Facebook by the end of 2024, to a new platform that can support a sustainable revenue model.
  • Update from Executive Director Zook and Board Member-Chapter liaison Chris Stiles on the results of the Leadership survey (link to presentation)
  • 143 leaders and 100 chapters
  • The common theme is that leaders are overwhelmed and lost.
    • Rising Tide is much more diverse than expected.
    • “All but two respondents shared that they feel valued and included in their role at RTS.”
    • This survey will inform how we move forward in the Rising Tide Community.
DEI Committee (Executive Director Wendy Zook)
  • Update from Director Zook on the consideration of bringing on a DEI expert (link to presentation)
  • One conclusion of the leader survey results is that we need a paid external DEI expert for strategy, research on our current situation, and training.
    • Zook has identified Abbiola Ballah with Phern Education Studios as the strongest candidate. Ms. Ballah submitted a $12,000 proposal for 2024 and a $15,000 proposal that includes a 3-year strategy plan.
      • Zook requests that $12,000 be added to the 2024 budget to hire Abbiola Ballah as Rising Tide Society’s DEI expert. This amount is a line item expense in the budget, which will be voted on today.
Education Committee (Rhiannon Leila)
  • Update from Committee Chair Rhiannon Leila on the consideration of creating a podcast for the Rising Tide Society. The estimated budget is $216.00 for 2024.
    • The projected podcast launch is projected to be in February/March 2024
      • Potential sponsorships, season sponsors, and on-off advertising will start at $50 per episode.
      • Board member Erin Perkins motioned to move forward with the podcast project. Farrace seconded. Motion is passed at 11:49 am EST/8:49 AM PST
Marketing & Content Committee (Christi Johnson / Marvin Flavien)
  • Social Media Subcommittee (Christi Johnson / Marvin Flavien)
    • Marketing: RTS volunteer Amanda Warfield is working with Marvin on marketing. Focus on spreading and posting “What RTS is about” videos.
      • The committee is working on systemizing a process for uploading videos, pictures, and marketing request forms.
    • Available Chapter Media Assets
  • Events Committee (Christi Johnson)
    • Quiet as of right now, looking to wrap them into the 2024 summit and sponsorship drive.
Finance & Fundraising Committee (Justina Cerra Lucas)
  • Board President Cerra Cerra Lucas motioned to appoint Jamie Thompson as Rising Tide Society’s Treasurer for the remainder of the 2023-2025 Board term. Seconded by President-Elect Taylor. The motion passed unanimously at 8:58 PST/11:58 am EST.
  • Board participation in Giving Tuesday
    • Giving Tuesday has a goal of $4,000. Board members are requested to raise $500 each.
    • Board Members will create their own Give Butter page.
    • Additional funds will be accepted through the end of 2023.
    • The link to the main Rising Tide Give Butter page will be emailed and posted to the Rising Tide Facebook pages.
Executive Director Updates (Wendy Zook)
  • The Shirt Collab with Natalie Franke and Blk Ankr launched last week. There has already been close to $1000 in sales to date. The Board should continue to push the t-shirt link and promote sales on their social media accounts.
  • Zook requested that board members check into the Slack channel regularly for RTS updates
  • Zook is off Tuesdays and Fridays; RTS is officially closed for the holiday starting 11/21.

Unfinished Business – President Cerra Lucas

  • Update on affiliate link vote – whether an affiliate link to a board member’s business can be considered a fundraising source despite a possible conflict of interest. The vote was tied at four “No” votes and four abstentions.
    • According to Robert’s Rules of Order, abstention votes go to the majority ruling, which was “opposed.” Motion is denied – Board members cannot promote affiliate links that give money back to their businesses as a funding resource for the Rising Tide Society.
  • Voting on the 2024 proposed budget – President Cerra Lucas
    • The President motioned to approve the Rising Tide’s 2024 expense budget of $138,446.41 and the proposed income of $152,332. President-Elect Taylor seconded the motion, which passed unanimously at 9:00 am PST/12:00 pm EST.
  • February/May 2024 bylaw updates- President Cerra Lucas
    • January 12, 2024, is the current deadline for proposed bylaw updates to be sent to board members to review before the next meeting. Updates include:
      • Board member eligibility and removal processes
      • Nomination and election process for 2025 and the future
      • Honorary Past President position (ex-officio) position description in bylaws

“For the Good of the Board…”

  • Next meeting: Thursday, February 8, 2024 @ 8:00 a.m. PST / 11:00 a.m. EST


President Cerra Lucas moved to adjourn, Board member Leila seconds, and the motion was passed unanimously at 9:15 am PST/12:15 pm EST

Minutes will be approved via a motion in the next board meeting, scheduled for February 8, 2024

Download a PDF of the meeting minutes

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