Business Boost Summit 2024 Recap

Unlock the secrets to business success with a peek at what happened in the 2024 summit – and how you can still get access to all the education and empowerment!

2023 was a big year for the Rising Tide Society – we became a 501(c)3 nonprofit, elected our Board of Directors, brought on an executive director, and began working with over 40 volunteers to make plans for the next stage of Rising Tide.

In 2024, we’re so excited to see all of our hard work come to life and get back to the grassroots of supporting, connecting, empowering, and educating small business owners. One of the ways we’ve been able to do this was through the Business Boost Summit hosted this February and March!

About the Business Boost Summit

The Business Boost Summit was our first big event since becoming a nonprofit and our first gift to members since becoming an independently-run organization led almost exclusively by volunteers. We understand business can be isolating and overwhelming – and our entire goal here at Rising Tide is to give you the support you need.

This is why we planned the Business Boost Summit – because we know that while individually we might not know everything, collectively we are each experts in our own rights. And it’s when we come together that we’re able to give each others’ businesses a boost.

What You Missed:

When planning the event, we knew we wanted to focus on the  integration and implementation of business resources, not just provide information and walk away. Our board members and key players came together to speak on a variety of business topics to help our members grow. We spread our sessions over the course of four weeks to give time between speakers to implement new ideas and create real change in their businesses.

From marketing and accessibility to systems, automations, finances, and more, all ticket holders were able to receive free education and community by attending our summit sessions. Plus, each speaker provided a free resource for attendees – and members who upgraded to our All Access Pass were able to walk away with lifetime access to all twelve sessions AND were entered to win amazing giveaways from our speakers!

Session Highlights: February 20th, 2024

Headshot of Natalie Franke

Natalie Franke, the co-founder of The Rising Tide Society, kicked off the summit with a beautiful reminder of who we are as a community and what we stand for.

She had members from around the world blowing up our chat sharing their Rising Tide stories – from meeting best friends to finding real business growth. Natalie brought us all back to our core value of community over competition and we are so grateful for the core tenant of belonging she brings to this community.

Headshot of Emilia Farrace Amaro

Next, Board Member Emilia Farrace Amaro wowed our members by walking them through the exact steps to create an easy and effortless self liquidating funnel – creating more flow, freedom, and finances in their businesses.

This was one of our sessions where attendees were taking screenshots left and right and upgrading during the session for access to those replays (one slide even had a full list of every email to write and what to include on it!).

Headshot of Brittanny Taylor

And then to finish off our first exciting day of the summit, President Brittanny Taylor re-grounded our attendees and reminded us all that no one can find true success in business if they’re not taking care of themselves as well.

She took us through a conversation around wellbeing for business owners, including several hard truths and mic drop moments. And we were lucky enough for her to share activities we can do at home, including body-based exercises, journaling exercises, and tips for setting routines and boundaries.

Bonus: In addition to the giveaways from all of our speakers, on our first day of the summit treasurer Jaime Thompson also provided a freebie for all members and a giveaway to All Access Pass ticket holders!

Snag the All Access Pass to find the replays!

Screenshots of feedback for our Business Boost Summit day one speakers and praise for Rising Tide

Session Highlights: February 27th, 2024

Headshot of Rhiannon Leila

Our second day of the summit started off on a high note with international Board Member Rhiannon Leila sharing about how we can focus on streamlining our businesses to prevent burnout. She walked us through four different ways to streamline in order to save time, increase productivity, eliminate additional costs, and improve your customer experience…so you can scale your business and increase your bottom line.

Headshot of Suzie Consoli

Next, Rising Tide Society partner Suzie Consoli of Lawson House (who did our beautiful new branding!) took the stage to help our members immediately implement adjustments in their branding to convert new leads and get their marketing working for them. This was another session where members were taking screenshots to save for later – over the course of her 45 minute session, Suzie provided attendees with easy-to-execute action items to upgrade their websites, marketing, messaging, and more. 

Headshot of Erin Perkins

Our final session of the day was a very important look at how you can unlock a higher ROI in your business through the power of digital accessibility. Board Member Erin Perkins gave step-by-step real world tips and tricks for creating inclusive spaces in your digital spaces – and how doing so increases your customer base, enhances your brand image, and sets you apart as an innovator in your business. Another session attendees in the chat absolutely loved!

It’s not too late to get the replays!

Screenshots of feedback for our Business Boost Summit day two speakers and praise for Rising Tide

Session Highlights: March 5th, 2024

Headshot of Marvin Flavien

All around Rising Tide Society all-star and Board Member Marvin Flavien opened our day sharing innovative and timeless ways to utilize video in business that go beyond the trends. Marvin walked attendees through the steps of how they can create their own Video Business Cards, as well as utilize video to bring new leads into their pipeline, automate their processes to save time, and convert with ease. 

Headshot of Liz Coopersmith

Next, we dove into automations in business! Rising Tide Secretary Liz Coopersmith took a two-pronged approach to her session, first sharing the top three things to automate in your business to save time and energy (and how automations can save an average of 6-8 hours a week!). Then, she led a robust Q&A section where individual members of our community were able to learn from her and each other to find solutions and advice for real world scenarios.

Headshot of Justina Cerra-Lucas

Former President Justina Cerra Lucas rounded out our third day of the summit with a focus on marketing solutions that don’t suck your energy or creativity. Another session with a highly active Q&A section, Justina also focused on helping our attendees live with their day-to-day questions and frustrations around marketing. 

Snag the All Access Pass to find the replays!

Screenshots of feedback for our Business Boost Summit day three speakers and praise for Rising Tide

Session Highlights: March 12th, 2024

Headshot of Braden Drake

Our final day of the summit began with ex-officio Board Member Braden Drake leading an easy-to-understand (and highly impactful) session all about decreasing your taxes to increase your take home pay. Braden did an amazing job giving step-by-step instructions for how to incorporate lesser-known business deductions into filing your taxes so you can increase your profit and pay yourself accordingly. And as an extra bonus, Braden shared a few red flags that the IRS picks up on to help you avoid unnecessary audits!

Headshot of Chris Stiles

Next, Board Member and Leader Liaison Chris Stiles grounded our businesses with a conversation around how our personal definition of success is key to understanding navigating any transitioning to a part or full time business. He provided not only tangible tips for navigating these transitions, but also journal prompts and plans of action to give you all the resources to make your transition a success.

And finally, Natalie Franke returned to remind all of our attendees how grateful we are for them (for YOU!) as well as all of the volunteers who contributed to the summit. We are so thankful for everyone who has supported our grassroots non-profit and we’re excited to continue to bring our members more of what we’ve been getting requests to bring to the community for years!

Screenshots of feedback for our Business Boost Summit day four speakers and praise for Rising Tide

Get access of all of the summit replays today!

The Benefits of Upgrading to the All Access Pass

We are so grateful to all of our board members and key players who shared their wisdom at this summit, and want you to know – it’s not too late to get access to ALL of their replays! Plus, all of the proceeds go back to supporting Rising Tide Society and bringing you more education, empowerment and community.

Lifetime Replays:

By upgrading to the All Access Pass, you gain lifetime access to replays of all summit sessions. This means you can revisit your favorite sessions or catch up on ones you missed, all at your own pace. With these replays, the learning never stops, allowing you to continuously refine your strategies and stay ahead in your industry.

Access to Additional Resources:

In addition to event replays, the All Access Pass grants you access to exclusive bonus materials and resources from each of our guest speakers. Whether it’s downloadable guides, templates, or additional training sessions, these resources are designed to further support your business growth and development.

Support Your Favorite Business Community:

Rising Tide is working hard behind-the-scenes to bring you more and more of what you’ve been asking of us for years, including creating more events like this, planning regional meetups, building out educational resources for your business, launching a podcast, and more. We’re continuing to look into sponsorships, partnerships, and affiliates, but as a volunteer-based organization we cannot grow without the support from you, our members!

 We’ve never asked for your financial support before, and yet we truly believe that we’re also creating a community so deeply rooted in our members’ needs like never before. Thank you so much to everyone who has donated or spread the word – you are the backbone of our community and what fuels what we do every day!

It’s not too late – get the All Access Pass today!

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