Board Meeting Minutes: June 2024

The Rising Tide Society June 2024 Board Meeting Minutes

View the agenda
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Thursday, May 9, 2024

Call to order

Board President Taylor called the meeting to order at 8:05 am PST/11:05 am EST [Board Members participated via Zoom conference


Secretary conducted roll call.

The following persons were present:

  • Brittany Taylor – President
  • Elizabeth Coopersmith – Board Secretary
  • Jaime Thompson – Treasurer
  • Christoper Stiles – Board Member/Chapter Liason
  • Erin Perkins – Board Member
  • Rhiannon Leila – International Representative Board Member (joined at 8:30 am PST/11:30 am EST)

Not Attending/Excused:

  • Natalie Franke – Past President
  • Braden Drake – Ex Officio Board Member
  • Marvin Flavien – Board Member
  • Wendy Zook – Ex Officio Executive Director

Board Membership Update: Emilia Farrace has resigned from the Board

Approval of minutes

Secretary Coopersmith called to approve May 2024 meeting minutes, which Erin Perkins seconded. The motion was approved at 8:06 am PST/11:06 am EST.

Board Reports

Treasurer’s Report – Jaime Thomspon

Thompson presented a financial report for 2024 through May.

  • All expenses have been paid through May 2024
  • RTS is running a deficit from our projected budget.
  • Thompson, President Taylor, and Director Zook have begun applying for grant programs, but most will not be awarded until the Fall.
  • A volunteer is coming on to pursue additional grants and fundraising.

President’s Report – Brittanny Taylor

  • Zook and volunteer project manager Lindsay Bishop are now leading the operational side of RTS. Taylor is meeting with a potential sponsor next week; updates to come
  • Taylor and Zook will be working with our DEIB expert to set up an open call this summer for leaders and members to talk about their experience with RTS
  • Taylor, Zook, and Thompson met to discuss additional revenue resources and strategies, and official recommendations will be presented to the board
  • Discussion regarding fundraising on a chapter level. Taylor is working on creating an educational resource for chapters and members.
  • The Birthday Bash – RTS is promoting monthly donations through Givebutter, and Taylor encourages everyone to continue posting and submitting birthday posts on Instagram.  Wendy and Brittany are hosting a live State of the Union Zoom call on June 24.  
  • Bonfire limits the number of t-shirt campaigns that can be posted, so individual chapter merch has been taken down. The links still exist, so save your chapter merch links. 
  • Board nominations—This is the last week of board nominations. Encourage your members to apply. Once Wendy returns, she and Brittanny will start scheduling interviews.

Leadership Updates – Christopher Stiles

  • 10 new chapter leaders are currently going through the onboarding process. There is a 90-day process that includes giving them the links and resources. A volunteer coaches them on setting up their chapter, and a check-in meeting is scheduled at the end of 90 days. 
  • Future-casting chapter leadership – Ideas include mandatory co-leaders, leadership certification, and establishing leadership timetables and offboarding practices.
  •  Reinstating the  Marketing committee will be a priority when  Zook returns to  re-focus on messaging for leaders and members on the value they get from RTS.

“For the Good of the Board…”

  • Next quorum board meeting: Thursday, July 11th, 2024 @ 8:00 a.m. PST / 11:00 a.m. EST (Zoom link)
  • Next quarterly executive committee meeting: Friday, July 26th, 2024 @ 8:00 a.m. PST / 11:00 a.m. EST
  • Next quarterly board meeting: Thursday, August 8th, 2024 @ 8:00 a.m. PST / 11:00 a.m. EST


Board President Taylor moved to adjourn the meeting at Board member Leila seconded the motion, the motion was approved, and the meeting was adjourned at 9:13 am PST/12:13 pm EST.

Download a PDF of the meeting minutes

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